e-Filing Starts January 17th and is required

published January, 2012

I’ve already received my first few sets of tax information for the 2011 tax filing and done the data entry. We’re still waiting for my software provider to code the most recent California changes into the program, but we can’t e-file until January 17th at the earliest anyway, per the IRS. They’re still coding their computers too.

Sometimes it takes a couple of days for the IRS to get their systems working (not always!).

Since I will prepare more than 100 returns for the 2011 tax year, I’m required to e-file by the IRS, and if I don’t, I’ve got to explain why for each return on a Form 8948 to include with each return I paper file. Amended returns will still be paper filed (for now).

If you have a fiscal year company, your deadlines will be different from the calendar year deadlines.