Ignorance is Bliss? Need an Extension?

If you’re expecting that I’m going to remember to put you on extension, but you have not heard from me, you may be disappointed (and penalized). You can file your own extension. For individuals, the federal extension is Form 4868, and you may need to prepare a state extension as well. And no, I can’t answer ‘just one simple question’ about extensions. I’m currently charging $100 minimum for extensions to cover my computer fees, and pay for some follow up. This is in addition to the regular tax preparation fee for those who need extensions. If you’ve delivered your materials to me and I am unable to prepare your return on time, I may choose to put you on extension and then I won’t charge a fee.

If you’ve sent me your materials and you have not heard back from me—I don’t have your materials and I’m not going to prepare an extension for you. I have contacted everyone who is “on my list.” I had one envelope delivered to the old Berkeley address and wasn’t forwarded—thank goodness that client emailed asking about their returns! Just to reiterate, I’ve moved my office to Alameda—see the address and contact info at the bottom of this newsletter.